Breeding of narrow-leafed lupin
(Lupinus angustifolius L.)
for northern European growing conditions
(Lupinus angustifolius L.)
for northern European growing conditions
Boguslav S. Kurlovich1, Fred L. Stoddard2
and Reino Laasonen1
1International North
Express Co., Leppälaaksontie 2 as 9, 52420, Pellosniemi, Finland;
2Department of Agricultural
Sciences, PO Box 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland;
To develop the potential of Lupinus angustifolius
L. (narrow-leafed or blue lupin) for northern European conditions, we
have conducted a germplasm improvement program based mainly on selection in
different climatic conditions. A set of 50 accessions of narrow-leafed lupin
was studied in Finland, Russia and Ukraine using a
consistent protocol. Most of the variation in yield (56%) was due to
environmental factors, less to the genotype (23%), and the genotype x
environment interaction variance was moderate at 13%. The program has focused
on the development of germplasm for the long days (18 h) and relatively low temperatures
of southern and eastern Finland (latitude 60-62°N). The photoperiod reaction
has been studied in more detail in four promising accessions and a breeding
line Mut-1 was selected from Poland for crossing. This line demonstrated a stable
vegetative period at different latitudes, and also had a long-day photoperiodic
reaction. Subsequent studies showed that Mut -1 demonstrated a long-day
photoperiodic reaction only at or above 16°C. From this breeding program, two new
cultivars, temporarily named Fin-1 and Fin-3, have been developed. They have restricted
branching, a growing season of 85-115
days, seed yields up to 2.3 t/ha, and seed protein content of 36-42 %. The next step is comparative yield trials with
established cultivars.
Book of abstracts. " Lupin crops - an opportunity for today, a promise for the future".
13th International Lupin Conference, 6-10 June 2011, Poznań, Poland, L-12.
This Article in full is presented HERE!Theoretical base of our research of lupins and their results in the form of publications are presented on the following page:
"Theoretical base of our researches and their results".